Craving: Brownies. And I totally know why. This is the last week of my church's 40 days of fasting and I gave up junk food, also my employer just came back from vacation in San Fransisco and got me chocolate from the Ghirardelli factory and it's just sitting in my car. I'm a moron. But my skin is totally showing the benefits of cutting out such garbage from my daily diet (I included pizza, ice cream, candy, potato chips and most sodas as well). Since I've done this, I've also taken up eating a lot of organic food from my other employer's house. She loves cooking organically and making smoothies using organic fruits. No objection here.
Listening to: Anthems For A Seventeen Year Old Girl, by Broken Social Scene. This song is, honestly, so hauntingly beautiful to me and I don't know why. It reminds me of my little sister, Sally and our friends always spending the night in her room. Sometimes eight of us at a time on the floor. Totally true to the lyrics, we were the rotten ones and we loved each other for that.
Can't wait for: This week to be over! Too many errands to run, too many expenses, too much work. Can't wait to stay up late with everyone again and just enjoy their company while they crack me up and we play with each other's pets. And I've been having some great one-on-one conversations with some of my gals lately.
Eating: Left-overs from Kendra's trip to see me in Santa Monica. We brought back so many left-overs to the hotel. Wish I could remember the name of the place, but it's pastas were amazing, as well as their garlic bread knots. Mmm, come at me, carbs.
Wishing: That I were more caught-up on my plans to visit Maine this summer. I still haven't worked out the details for location, hotel, plane ticket, company or even cost, but I'm saving! I can't wait to go. I'll probably be going with my mom, since I eventually want to move there, she's curious to see the place I might end up. My good friend Kendra said she'd go with me as well, which could work out perfectly because she'll be moving to Boston in a few months anyway and would only be a stone's throw away if she decided to come.
What has you moving today? Take a moment to jot it down and appreciate it :)
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