Annie gave me a henna tattoo on my hand, I showed everyone the actual tattoo I got on friday (I'll show pictures once I get the coloring done!), gave Hayley and Liz hair bows, had great girl talk, and I got a ton of hugs and kisses.
These are photos of the cat that hangs around my employer's backyard :) This is not Tessy
Well, I went to church. I had lunch with my friend from church, Naomie, yesterday. We had such a good talk and covered so much in just an hour of conversation. I was looking forward to seeing her at church this morning since I'd be going alone, but lo and behold, I couldn't find her. I ended up sitting by myself between a couple of the elderlies that frequent the church. It was only as I was leaving did I see Naomie's car and realized I must have just not seen her. Of course, today was one of the rare occasions in which I left my phone at home, or I might have been able to find her. I had two text messages from her when I got home. Drat!
On the way home I got to thinking about what I might think of for Dustin and I do to today since we both have free time today when I drove by the park that we used to go to all the time when we first started dating and fed the ducks and geese there. It's a beautiful, sunny day today and I'm not passing it up. So we're going to the park again in a little bit and we have - wait for it - a whole loaf of bread for duck-feeding! I'm really looking forward to sitting by the little pond and seeing all the little ducks turn their heads and swim up to us when they realize they're in for a treat. I'll share with you more tomorrow :)
Get your posts done and enjoy this gorgeous day!
Upper mark on my hand: freckle, lower part: tattoo mistake
Thursday, yesterday. Almost the same routine. The twins had a short school week and the day off, but their mom had a parent-teacher conferense for about half an hour and needed them to be watched for just a little. I took the twins to get breakfast while their mom was busy and their mom payed for me when she got back! She's a sweet lady, and they're using their long weekend to go to Vegas to visit their aunt and grandma. Luckies. Anyway, after breakfast, I did the usual three hours of watching Nathan while his mom worked in her office. If I've never mentioned it before, now is the time. There is this gorgeous to-die-for stray cat that hangs out in their backyard that is huge, pure white and with one orange eye and a blue one. This cat has always knocked me out with his handsomeness - until I saw him in the backyard again and went out to pet him. When I followed him around the corner, what I saw almost gave me a heart attack. There was a second one. A SECOND white cat with two different colored eyes! Swear to God, I will be adopting them before I move ANYWHERE. I just have to have them. Next time, I'm bringing cat food to Nathan's house. Well, finished at 12 and had the rest of the day to myself! I was so excited until I started feeling really weak and exhausted. In an "I'm getting sick" kind of way. I layed in bed for next to three hours when I got home, made Dustin feed me to get my strength up and got some cuddles from my dog. When my strength returned, I helped Dustin sew his patches onto his jacket and had coffee again with Andrea at 5:30. I listened to some delicious Kid Cudi on the way home. Touched up one of Dustin's tattoos and gave another one to sally of a little skeleton crawling up her wrist. I'll get pictures of those to share sometime :)
As far as the pictures of my finger waves goes, I totally let myself down. They came out way too ridiculous to share.