Dustin and I took Haven with us and she had never seen ducks up close before, at least we don't think she has, and she went berZERK. If Dustin weren't holing on to her leash, she certainly would have gone into the water after those ducks. She almost did, too. We fed the ducks a whole loaf of bread from Dustin's food stock-pile and when it was all gone, we took Haven for a walk around the park to get her to chill-out. It was nice, until I realized that the new shoes I'd just bought from target were half a size too small and were crushing my toes so I begged Dustin to go to Target with me so that I could exchange them. He was convinced that they wouldn't take them since we had just walked through the park with soggy grass, dirt and duck poo and that the bottom of my shoes didn't look return-able. Well, with a spare pair of shoes in the car, I took my new Dorothy reds off and went to work on brushing off the bottoms with napkins from various fast food restaurants. Challege accepted, mission accomplished.
But all is well! I got my shoes in the right size and can now walk in them properly, only I'm going to try not to ware them out so quickly and try preserving them for a while by not making them my go-to pair. Taking care of my things is one of my new years resolutions that I'm holding on to quite well! I have yet to deposit that money into my savings as I planned, but my birthday is coming up on the 31st (hint) so maybe I'll get a little extra to tuck away ;)
Speaking of my birthday, though not entirely because this next bit just has to do with good timing, a good friend of mine is a whiz with computers and owns a lot of various dvds, cds and downloadable technologies - like the Rosetta Stone sets. I asked if he could burn me the French copy and he said that he has every language they offer ON ONE CD! He's burning me the whole thing and giving it to me on my birthday! I'm soooo excited to catch up on my French. I've really missed it.

On a less fortunate note, last night Dustin was stricken with food poisoning and I stayed up with him all night to make sure he was ok. I guess the first couple of hours after it hits you are the worst because Dustin was significantly better when I got home from work compared to last night before bed. Life has been dealing him some harsh blows lately and this was just the icing on the cake, what with a job interview today at 2 o'clock.
I had planned on utilizing my time today to organize my closet and fine-tune clean my room (ie. bathroom cabinets, vacuuming and laundry) but to no avail. I always forget that the twins need to be picked up after cheer practice, so that's what my night is like tonight. Sitting here with a shedding cat on my lap (not that I'm complaingin) while the twins are showering and I'm waiting for dinner to finish in the oven. Oh, I've the life of a princess.
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