My itch to travel has been getting increasingly worse these days. I posted a while ago about daydreaming and how nice it was, but I think I neglected to mention how many of my daydreams were occupied by visions of travelling; focused mainly on the East coast. Since I was in the fourth grade, I remember making the decision that I wanted to go to Maine someday. It was during a class writing project and we had to write about a state we wanted to visit that we'd never been to before. At total random, I chose Maine because I had been nearly everywhere else already. I even had to make up reasons for why I wanted to go there because I had no reasons at all - my mom suggested that I put down, "Lobster. They're famous for their lobster." So, okay. Lobster it was. It was only until a year and a half ago that those childhood memories resurfaced when I realized, "I haven't done much travelling lately." Maine. I have to go to Maine. It's fully within my power and I'm motivated to do it, so why haven't I done it? Before Dustin and I began dating, right after my ex and I decided to split, I was hell-bent on moving to Maine and attempting to live there for at least a year. Life had other plans though.
Well, lately I've been feeling insanely driven, almost compelled to make that visit a reality. I'm really going to push for Dustin and I to go on a trip this summer that ISN'T to Las Vegas and that is actually somewhere I've had my heart set on. He knows about my previous hopes to move there and has considered giving it some thought (he has to, he's horrible with the cold) that maybe we still can someday try living there, but he would never be against taking a vacation! So that's what my aim is for this summer. Saving up for a trip to the great ol' state of Maine. If that happens to be something I can't fenagle, I really would be just as thrilled with tripping it to anywhere in New England. It's the only part of the country I have yet to visit which is so sad because I really love American History and it would just be amazing to visit the places where it all started. Plymouth Rock, Boston, Salem, etc. This isn't something that I would tack-on to my new year's resolutions, because this is more of a spur-of-the-moment, won't-do-it-every-year kind of thing, but one of my new year's resolutions WAS to put extra money into my savings, I suppose by default, this trip could fall into that category.
Since I'm rambling on about travelling, my dearest gal pal, Katrina and I have been making pipe-dream plans to visit either Paris or the Netherlands this year or early next. Paris because it's another one of my travel dreams and because my French is pretty decent and the Netherlands because I actually have a couple of gal pals out there as well! What better way to visit a new place than with locals?
Diverging from the topic, I have the day off and no idea what to do with it. Off I go!
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