
Monday, January 9, 2012

Growing Pains

Have you ever seen a really cute hairstyle that you've been meaning to try? Not so much a cut or a color, but trying to braid your hair in a cute way or even curl it? Well, so have I and if your luck is anything like mine - it never works. Maybe youre a once, twice, or even three times the charm kinda gal, but I'm definitely past the three point marker. I tried so hard the past few days to finger-wave my hair (even curling it and brushing it out to LOOK like finger waves) but to no avail. I had to hold my arms up for so long to focus on every piece that my arms begain to give out. My hair is in it's growing-out stage and I am going out of my mind with the boredom attatched to it. It just hangs there; long and lazy. Or at least in my eyes it does. My hair used to be about waist-long when I moved to Seattle, had it cut my an awful stylist, then I chopped it ALL off that night into a pixie cut. I was so devistated by it, I called my mom crying about looking like a boy and worried that my boyfriend wouldn't be attracted to me anymore. Pathetic, no? Anyway, the cut ended up being the talk of the town when I went in to work the next morning. I had gotten more compliments on my hair than I think I had ever gotten. "It frames your face so well," and, "It really brings out your complexion!" How exiting! So here's my problem: Since it was cut (more than a year ago) I've been growing it out and it's almost back to it's original length, but I'm a girl who is always changing herself. What am I to do when I can't think of things to do with it? Throwing it back in a ponytail everyday has be nearly bored to tears.

My main focus is on my bangs lately, or "fringe" as some call it. I've had bangs since I was five and any attempt at growing them out always rendered the same problem, "I've had it with these hairs in my eyes!" and snip, snip I go. I've been doing a great job though lately of letting them grow along with the rest of my hair, but the same old issues are arising. Dying is a fast and easy alternative to cutting for a different look. Here are some links to some really cute hairstyles:

Braids and bangs, Erin Featherson.

Lauren Conrad has the right idea.

Milkmaid braids are always cute.

Pictures of my next finger wave attempt to come tomorrow. Happy blogging, all :)

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